Once you know your borrowing capacity, it's time to begin the hunt for your ideal property and home design. Consider current and future infrastructure that could impact the home's value over time. Nearby amenities like schools, shops, and public transport are advantageous.
In-depth research on capital growth rates and detailed neighbourhood profiles can be useful, with information readily available from land developers, local councils, and industry websites. Meanwhile, we'll focus on arranging your finances for pre-approval!
When settling on a house design, think about:
Building design guidelines and covenants set by the land developer.
Local government regulations.
Future home resale.
Current and future home usage – are you downsizing, expanding for a family, or planning for an investment property?
After picking your plot and home design, the builder will review your house plans, estimate costs, and determine the overall contract price. With your approval and a signed Preparation of Plans Agreement (PPA), they will survey your plot and prepare working drawings. This phase can take four to eight weeks, longer if titles aren't available.
Let me know what we can help or any questions.